Get Oiling is a Young Living themed platform that gives you the tools to build in a way that suits you. Customize your website to represent you as the brand, combine your other passions and business ventures, keep all your contacts in one place and automate all your lead generation and follow up. 

Website Design

I use my customized templates + your branding and messaging to create something truly unique.

Your website should communicate who you are, what you are about, who you are here to serve and how. You want it to clearly lead visitors to their first step, which is likely a lead magnet to get them engaged and on your mailing list.

What will the next step be? That's what we will figure out together!

  • Get a Home Page/ About Page/ Contact Page setup and automated with a lead magnet to drive traffic to your email list
  • Next we'll determine the best next steps such as an online course, joining a community or shopping with you via your YL link
  • We'll also feature YL products in a way that is on brand for you
  • Possible add-ons include a blog, a booking link and more
**The website bundle includes a Home page/about page and contact page as well as a YL sales page. 

Note: Sample pages shown below are just examples, the buttons on the pages do not lead anywhere.

Lead Magnet: Aromatherapy Magazine

I am a Certified Aromatherapist and I wrote this magazine to be fully compliant for the Canadian market

The magazine is 19 pages long and covers the basics of essential oils usage as well as guidelines and recipes for how to address colds and coughs, acne, sleep issues, stress, muscle aches and more. 

The magazine acts as a template so you can add your personal story to it plus any links or contact info.

**This lead magnet package includes a landing page on Get Oiling and email campaign to deliver the magazine, as well as the magazine template, as well as setup

To get started, complete the form below indicating what you are interested in.
Then I can send you a quote and we can go from there.
Deluxe Package:  (Value $2500)
  • Branding
  • Website Package (home/about/contact/thank you/YL page)
  • Lead magnet setup of your choice
  • NingXia Red Challenge setup
  • BONUS: Video tutorials on how to use it all
  • BONUS: 30 Day IPA focused challenge for your brand partners
  • All setup and fully automated
Just Branding: 
  • Logo variations, colour palette, 3 fonts, design elements, image bank, social media icons, favicon
Aromatherapy Magazine Template Only: 
  • Canva Template Only
  • Setup not included
Aromatherapy Magazine with Landing Page: 
  • Setup not included
Website Package: (Value $1500)
  • Branding
  • Website Package (home/about/contact/thank you/YL page)
  • Lead Magnet Setup of your choice
  • BONUS: Video tutorials on how to use it all
  • All setup and fully automated
Lead magnet Quiz Funnel: 
  • Landing page
  • Quiz
  • Email Campaign
  • Marketing graphics + copy
  • Setup in Get Oiling
Website Only: 
  • use your existing branding
  • Setup home/about/contact/thank you/ yl page
  • Setup a lead magnet you already have

To Get Started, Fill Out This Form!

What are you interested in?*
What is your dream or vision for your site?